This article will introduce the boot of Eggjs that is a Node.js web framework.
It is based on Koa and can satisfy your requirement through a large of plugins and middleware, even a your own framework. It is very important to create a cluster, an agent process and some worker processes when it is running. The cluster makes it stronger. Next, we can understand it by reading the source code.
Eggjs has a few major libs, egg-core、egg、egg-cluster、egg-bin、egg-scripts and so on.
egg-core: it extends Koa and is as a parent object of every agent and worker.
egg: it defines some actions for agent and worker, you can almost use these actions to create an app of a single process.
egg-cluster: it creates a cluster and manages them.
egg-scripts and Egg-bin: their job is run the whole app in a different environment.
Tips: We will discuss Eggjs with basing 2.x.x version.
1.提供基于 Egg 定制上层框架 的能力
4.基于 Koa 开发,性能优异
1.通过 window.onerror,可惜只能获得基础的 js 错误,Promise、async/await 里的错误无法捕获,它收到同源决策的影响
2.Promise 通过catch方法
3.async/await 通过 try - catch
4.Vue 可以通过全局 Vue.config.errorHandler 去获得非 Promise、async/await 里的错误,可以理解为 Vue 里的 window.onerror
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